How to Utilize Virtual Events to Build a Stronger Sales Strategy in 2024

Virtual events have changed the way we engage. The virtual events landscape, and how we use it, is ever-evolving. The burnout from virtual was real in 2022. In 2023, we are seeing a massive resurgence. Our clients are harnessing the power of the virtual space to connect deeply and efficiently with clients and prospects. Here are a few tips for maximizing your time and increasing ROI in the virtual space.

Personalize Your Approach

A goals-driven run-of-show is the most important aspect of every engagement and every engagement is different. First, you must understand intimately who will be in attendance and what the desired outcome of the event is. When we understand the attendees intimately, we know how to speak to them. We know how best to connect, so they can receive our clients' messages. Once the goal of the meeting has been determined, the run-of-show can be determined. If it doesn’t work towards the desired goal of the meeting, it is left out of the run of the show. It is not as simple as picking a package and meeting for a hangout. There needs to be a clear intention.

Increase Attendance

Attendance is the number one thing our clients struggle with for both in-person and virtual events. How do we up our attendance numbers? By offering something guests can’t say no to. Maybe it’s a whiskey tasting with rare whiskies being shipped directly to their doorstep. Perhaps it’s a thought leader who has just completed a research project and wants to share insights. We have also raffled off a high-end bottle of wine or whiskey to guests who arrive with cameras on, ready to engage. At the end of the day, virtual events are a far easier ‘yes’ as they require no travel time and are considerably less costly for both the host and attendees.

Drive Engagement

The goal of the run-of-show should be the meeting outcome first and to drive engagement second. People do not want to attend an event simply to listen to others speak, regardless of how interesting the content is! Getting guests to speak up, share their insights, and ask questions is one way to be sure that each guest has a takeaway that is bigger than just your sales pitch. If you can give them something personal to walk away with, they will remember you. The host of the event is key to making engagement happen, as is how you present. If the tone is set that we are having fun, guests will have fun! This may be no big surprise, but food and wine/whiskey make people relax in a space and when they’re relaxed, they engage!

Increase ROI

A follow-up strategy is key for turning the event into a revenue-generating engagement. We offer a follow-up video, complete with your messaging along with a description of what is in the tasting kit. We wrap up the video letting the attendee know that someone from the sales team will follow up to set up a time to chat. We also take notes on your attendees so that personalized follow-up gifts can be sent. The ‘it’s thought that counts’ saying has never meant more! It does not have to be expensive to be impactful. These ‘nuggets’ we gain from virtual events are imperative for additional touchpoints in the sales cycle for our clients.

Multiphase Campaigns

Virtual events are highly impactful but are not the only avenue. Offering a variety of touch points that increase engagement over the length of your sales cycle is imperative for building relationships and driving success. Sending high-level personalized gifts is a wonderful way to remind your current clients who are up for renewal or your prospects who just aren’t quite ready yet, that you are here for them. Hosting a high-level wine tasting at a convention is also a wonderful way to draw clients and prospects away from competitors to your event to build those important relationships.

Get in touch and let us help you drive sales success in 2024!


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